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 [Casual Raid] Shaman (DPS) - Xapc

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October 06, 2012, 08:36:24 pm
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[Casual Raid] Shaman (DPS) - Xapc
« on: October 06, 2012, 08:36:24 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

Character: Xapc
Class/Spec: Shaman (DPS)
Raid: Casual Raid

Personal Info:

Hello there. My name is Spiros and i am from greece. I'm 24 years old and im a university student. I live alone atm at city volos.


I;m playing elemental and i have offspec resto although i dont use it alot. I dont enjoy healing so i kinda suck at it. In cata i started as enchancement but soon i found out that ele was performing better in most of ds fights ( i started playing cata when ds was already out). My courent ilvl is 468.


In elemental it is arguable if mastery or haste is the better stat but as i've noticed mastery is way better for aoe with chain lightning  , and haste is a bit better for single target. I use the addon elementarist so i can try to make my single rotation perfect wich is not that hard with ele shamans. Im not using unleash elements cause i play with elemental blast.


I have a warrior lvl 85, a dk lvl 85 , a druid lvl 85 , a rogue lvl 83 and some low lvls.


I have enchanting and leatherworking. enchanting rings and embossment on wrists is a nice intelect boost. No any special recipes though.

Raid Experience:

In tbc i was playing my rogue. I raided in karazhan tk ssc and bt. only one i cleared was karazhan :p I was in small guilds.
In wotlk i joined late on the expansion and played the dk. I did only icc mosty 25 man with the guild with no great results. I also did some older wotlk raid but only for achivements/mounts/titles/etc.
In Cataclysm as always i joined late on the expansion when ds was out and i started my shaman. I was raiding 25 man and we cleared it normal :p Then hc tries started and things went bad. ppl stopped playing. hell was unleashed so pugging with rl friends started.

Previous Guilds:

Tbc-dreamers . left em cause paused playing
Wotlk - anguish. Left em for the same reason as above :p
Cata- abomination. Left em after a long period of waiting for raids to happen.
Mop- i joined Dreamers for lvling cause a friend was there. Now i wonna raid! :p


Im available most of the time cause i have courses in the morning. I wont be available christmas and easter cause i go and visit my parents and i have exams on january and june  but if the raid is 2 days only there wont be an issue.


yes me speak the english very nice hahaha :p yes i can listen and speak!

Computer / Connection:

i am currently playing from a desktop. I  have no issues neither with my pc nor with my connection.


I use dbm, elementarist and recount. dbm and recount for the obvious reasons and elementarist cause it helps a lot with the rotation.

Other Games:

i was playing a lot of Dota and from time to time hon and lol. now just wow.

Why Iron Edge?

Cause I wonna raid 25 man with ppl that know how to do it. And also i have many rl friend there that suggest iron edge strongly.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

My dedication both to the guild and my shaman. i dont like failing so i try hard not too!

Where did I hear about Iron Edge??

i;m playing in dunemaul since i started so there no way i could not know iron edge. In cata many of my rl friends joined you however i dont think its necessary to mention them cause i wonna raid not hang out with em in gchat :p

Last Words?

nah that's enough for one day :p (pls take me cause ima cry )

October 07, 2012, 05:42:38 pm
Reply #1

Offline Hulkie

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Re: [Casual Raid] Shaman (DPS) - Xapc
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2012, 05:42:38 pm »
my buddy since 3rd grade, amazing dps and tactical mastery, also great gold machince :D. we ve done DS together this summer and have tried MV now with pugs but it didn't worked out. thumbs up from me  :D

October 07, 2012, 07:44:48 pm
Reply #2

Offline incub0

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Re: [Casual Raid] Shaman (DPS) - Xapc
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2012, 07:44:48 pm »
as hulkie said awesome dps and tactical aware, ready for everything. i vouch for him. also great guy!! ^_^

October 08, 2012, 09:15:13 am
Reply #3

Offline Yoica

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Re: [Casual Raid] Shaman (DPS) - Xapc
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2012, 09:15:13 am »
Nice app and ranged dps is always welcome. Poke an officer for an invite.


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