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 Raiding Team

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October 28, 2012, 04:59:38 pm
Reply #45

Offline Cojche

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Re: Raiding Team
« Reply #45 on: October 28, 2012, 04:59:38 pm »
But somehow lacking presence of mind.

High functioning sociopath.

October 28, 2012, 05:03:03 pm
Reply #46

Offline Recklol

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Re: Raiding Team
« Reply #46 on: October 28, 2012, 05:03:03 pm »
There is a good reasson why Synergy broke up at the ends of Cata and that reasson was because of you and your ex-gf who is supposed to be the GM of Synergy, while she's doing nothing else than enslaving, abusing and gossiping people like you and me who are close to her.

Actually, the falling of Synergy was due to me and the GM quitting because she was pregnant. If I REALLY must bring IRL problems into this. We had no money and we were moving house because her mum could not afford to live there any longer. There were A LOT of complications that caused us to quit, but we did leave the guild in capable hands (Or so we thought) which also ended up messing up due to THAT leader who we thought was our friend giving the GM to some Harry Potter obsessed weirdo troll.

I dont think I know everything, nor am I ignorant not to listen to what ppl have to say in the first case. That's just what you guys make of it, because you re the ones who are the true facerollers here..

You clearly ARE ignorant as you ignored the hours of talk that we spent on trying to get you to stop messing around in Raid. If you were nothing to us and we wanted to get rid of you so badly, and if were REALLY horrible people we wouldve just kicked you straight away, but instead, we gave you HOURS of our time trying to find out why your doing what your doing and not giving your all into raids. Your also ignorant to the fact that we HAVE told you WHY Synergy fell towards the end of Cata, numerous times may I add, yet you keep thinking in your delusional mind that it fell for other reasons.

What I've done is not backstabbing you guys, Ive just kept that stories of those old members in the back of my head if I ever would land in such a situation like those old members did. Not in retaliation, but in precaution for when I ever had to take extreme measures in case things would turn out like they did and the story of those old members were confirmed, which i would be the victim in.

That made absolutely no sense, and I think your just trying to make use of big words together in the wrong context to make yourself seem smart.

Some of the things you do know just like me James, is the fact that your ex is a control freak idd. If she wernt, you and Zhine wouldnt be her bitches, which she is controlling from the shades. Plus without a doubt is commanding you and Zhine, to threaten and yell / shout at ppl when they are failling at the least incidents (which players make) during boss encounters in raids.

My relationship doesnt come into this AT ALL and shouldnt be brought up. I raid lead how I see fit, and how my raid leading has worked for the past 2 years getting us HC progress before most of higher and well known guilds such as AM. I do not get told how to raid lead, and if someone else told me how to do MY job, I would tell them where to go. We each know our own roles. The GM's role is to recruit and keep the guild intact, and my role is to raid lead. We dont get mixed up in each others roles at all, and we tend to keep out of each others roles for a reason, because she is better at hers than I am, and I am better at mine than she is. So that sentence is completely irrelivant and invalid.

Dont even start about Zhine (Gobnobbler), she just became an officer (down from raider) in an instant like 3-4 days ago, so that she would start to lead the raids and shout to ppl, because ppl were so-called fearing her since she's an aggresive person so anyone would bow down to the will of her, you and Charley. Thats why I think of her as a disgusting person in a literal and figural way, bc she tries to do what you guys are doing.

So for raid leading and shouting at people doing things wrong NUMEROUS times (By numerous times I mean dying due to not stacking on Fire chains on the FIRST BOSS in MSV about 4 times in different tries, and STILL NOT LEARNING) you think shes a horrible person? Just because she gets annoyed that people cant grasp such a simple concept as stacking up with chains? If you hate being told what to do, and hate people shouting at people with such lack of intuition as to move close to someone with chains, then you should NOT be applying to a guild such as IE. They would not take that kind of mistakes from people on such numerous occasions either.


Anyway dont worry, she knows this alr, bc Ive put her in her place right before I got kicked from the guild. She knows damn well, that there will be always ppl just like me, who are smarter than you folks and got the entire shit you guys are doing trough in an instant.

After reading the things you have said on this thread, I would beg to differ that you are smarter than anyone here. Once again, your just an ignorant pig that thinks he is right 24/7.

So the only reasson why you possibly ever could demote and replace me as a Officer is because Charley told you to, since you are the only person who could as a Co-Gm (Higher rank than Officer in Synergy).

I demoted you because you continued to mess about in raids placing Marmots down after you were told NOT TO on NUMEROUS occasions and STILL ignored me as a raid leader. You caused ninja pulls and you caused a lot of time to be wasted in raids with your messing around. No other guild would put up with it, especially not Iron Edge. So why should we?


The clue here is, its not bc I have been messing around for a while with marmots nd shit, but bc you guys knew you could NOT control me.

Once again, that is a really, REALLY childish thing to say. You have respect for your raid leader, and he will respect you. If you kick around Marmots after being told not to atleast twice, ANYBODY would get pissed off with you, let alone someone who is trying to deal with 8 other people.


Coming to the fact that I got demoted first and kicked afterwards, didnt trigger a thing at me, because im gratefull to the ones who've warned me before all of this. So my deeds cant be attracted from the explanation that I hold a grudge against Synergy.

Funny you say that, because all of our previous CORE raiders still on Dunemaul are still in close contact with us and still respect us as GM's AND friends. The rest have transferred. More lies?


My intention (which Ive accomplished), was taking back everything I worked for in that guild of yours while I single handedly build up everything and which made you & Charley come back to WoW, 2 weeks after MoP started. So please James, dont come here to gossip and spread filthy lies about me in order to disgrace me.

The guild wasnt built by you. Its reputation back in Cata had NOTHING to do with you, and you helped invite about 2-3 of our current raiders. The GM got the rest and I went through the hassle of trialing them. You helped build up 50% of Synergy, and we gave you thanks for that and made you an officer. You then abused that power by ninja'ing the guild bank and kicking more people than you recruited. Why be so childish as to help build something back up and then break it back down just because you got removed for what was a more than valid reason? You wouldnt build a bridge only to break it because other people are crossing it. You have a very childish outlook on a lot of things, and you need to change that....Fast.

Telling me, I robbed / ninjad the entire guild bank made me laugh the most, that was such a hilarious thing to hear.

Actually, if you bothered to read, I said 50% of the guild bank. Half. You werent able to take the other half otherwise im quite sure you would have, along with money.


When we come to the part where you demoted me from officer to raider and Charley kicking me 20 minuts afterwards from guild, was the best thing you guys could come up with.

You were kicked for whispering abuse to the GM when she was trying to sort out why you were being such an ass in raids.

..and now are trying to disgrace me in front of these ppl, so that I will get rejected to Iron Edge, is even more retard, because it shows exactly to me who is the smarter one here James.. :)

Im pre-warning my old guildies, who had the kindness to let me into their family which I found to be pretty close-knit in my short stay there, of letting in someone who doesnt even deserve the things they have to offer. I dont see how intelligence has anything to do with this?

Even tho I dont think of myself as a smartass, I will always keep on top of ppl like you & charley and be smarter than you guys in order to prevent the DISEASE you Emo looking Satanic Gothics are spreading in this world!

Well done on proving your intelligence and maturity in that one little sentence right there.

Sorry for the wall of text once again, hopefully this straightens a few more things out. And to What Graxlos said, Yes, that is true, Babydragon would have been replaced after the 2nd raid when he started to put down marmots EVERY wipe and causing ninja pulls if we had the people available, but unforuntately when your JUST starting up again its hard to keep people on stand-by when they know theres a very slim chance their needed. But thankyou for your understanding, you hit the nail on the head.

October 28, 2012, 05:03:09 pm
Reply #47


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Re: Raiding Team
« Reply #47 on: October 28, 2012, 05:03:09 pm »
Exactly.. and its not precisely thats im not serious at all, but its more like im serious on a different level than the most ppl I guess.

For example.. there is a reasson i got pretty much Achivement points, all the times I tried to get those achivements I was serious, but still couldnt laugh and enjoy even if a achivement failled for me to get. This's the way I am..

October 28, 2012, 05:05:38 pm
Reply #48


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Re: Raiding Team
« Reply #48 on: October 28, 2012, 05:05:38 pm »
Not even gonna take the time to reply back to Reck's post to defend myself, as I read the 1st sentence I saw it was filled with bullshit already..

October 28, 2012, 05:06:38 pm
Reply #49

Offline Daekesh

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Re: Raiding Team
« Reply #49 on: October 28, 2012, 05:06:38 pm »
Actually, the falling of Synergy was due to me and the GM quitting because she was pregnant.

Gz :)


October 28, 2012, 05:11:02 pm
Reply #50

Offline Recklol

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Re: Raiding Team
« Reply #50 on: October 28, 2012, 05:11:02 pm »
Actually, the falling of Synergy was due to me and the GM quitting because she was pregnant.

Gz :)

Thankyou mate, unfortunately complications arose that I dont wish to speak of, and were no longer as lucky :\

Anyway, im sure this guy has proven his maturity and how he would act in a raid, sorry to have brought so much crap to your forums, your guild is an awesome friendly close-knit group of people and it was truly an honour to have been in your guild and raid/PvP with you guys back in WoTLK, I just didnt wish for someone who really doesnt deserve that feeling of being in such a nice place such as here.

Once again, sorry for any inconvinience, but it seems it gave the majority of you something to do on this very boring Sunday! Once again I have screenshots if needed, just ask :)

October 28, 2012, 05:13:37 pm
Reply #51

Offline Cheerycoke

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Re: Raiding Team
« Reply #51 on: October 28, 2012, 05:13:37 pm »
I like turtles
I am a mage

October 28, 2012, 05:14:05 pm
Reply #52

Offline Recklol

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Re: Raiding Team
« Reply #52 on: October 28, 2012, 05:14:05 pm »
I like turtles

I liked 5v5 with you back in WoTLK, good times :P

October 28, 2012, 05:21:45 pm
Reply #53

Offline Gaeios(Graxlos)

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Re: Raiding Team
« Reply #53 on: October 28, 2012, 05:21:45 pm »
No need to apologize reck, I dont think we have had this much entertainment on the forum for years. Hope you can keep Synergy alive :)

Bears like alts!

October 28, 2012, 05:24:51 pm
Reply #54

Offline Recklol

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Re: Raiding Team
« Reply #54 on: October 28, 2012, 05:24:51 pm »
No need to apologize reck, I dont think we have had this much entertainment on the forum for years. Hope you can keep Synergy alive :)

Thankyou Graxlos, all our members have mailed us and messaged us asking for re-invites back because we are a friendly and social guild and we respect our members until they give us reason not to. Baby gave us that reason and lost respect when he continued to ignore me as a RL and continued to put down Marmots even when minusing him EP and him replying he doesnt care about EP. But thankyou for the concern :)

October 28, 2012, 06:09:24 pm
Reply #55

Offline Hugman

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Re: Raiding Team
« Reply #55 on: October 28, 2012, 06:09:24 pm »
TTaM's alive and he still makes puns???

It's great when they post lots and hang themselves.

October 28, 2012, 06:50:45 pm
Reply #56

Offline Skinkelinke

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Re: Raiding Team
« Reply #56 on: October 28, 2012, 06:50:45 pm »
Lacking presence of mind, but got the mind of a sheep  :P

October 28, 2012, 06:55:42 pm
Reply #57

Offline Daekesh

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Re: Raiding Team
« Reply #57 on: October 28, 2012, 06:55:42 pm »
TTaM's alive and he still makes puns???

Alive and punishing daily!


October 28, 2012, 09:28:16 pm
Reply #58


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Re: Raiding Team
« Reply #58 on: October 28, 2012, 09:28:16 pm »
Actually, the falling of Synergy was due to me and the GM quitting because she was pregnant.
Gz :)
Anyway, im sure this guy has proven his maturity and how he would act in a raid

Dude you and your ex.. seriously have some mental issue's thats for sure, why dont you let charley come here and let her write all the crap you just did?

Bc she's bad at twisting things and lying? You need to stop being her bitch reck, I totally lost my respect for you, from the moment on I saw what she was up to.. Because you keep supporting her in her acts for violence troughout the game, even if you get kicked from multiple chars in the guild as a Co-Gm and get bitched, ignored and yelled at by her during raids or other moments.. you still end up being her bitch.

Talking trash about me wont change these facts James, because at the end of the day she still will be your superiour and can do with you whatever she likes to, as long as you accept what she is telling you to do while staying in Synergy together with her..

Thats why I never tought of you as a good raidleader, Ive lead many raids myself, without even having to raise my voice, but all you are doing is pissing off ppl by constantly threatening and yelling at them, bc charley tells you to do so! (Same goes for Zhine)

Dont forget that Raid Leaders, have to be potential leaders themself and not bitches of others.

..and to make another thing clear, so that everyone is aware of it. Even if you guys would beg me to come to back to synergy and make me guildmaster, I still would say, to go and fuck yourself oke?

Because if you know the significance of the word synergy which is the guilds name, you would know, the teamwork left the building a long time ago...

October 28, 2012, 10:26:11 pm
Reply #59

Offline Ezzardo

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Re: Raiding Team
« Reply #59 on: October 28, 2012, 10:26:11 pm »
..and to make another thing clear, so that everyone is aware of it. Even if you guys would beg me to come to back to synergy and make me guildmaster, I still would say, to go and fuck yourself oke?

Are you for real? However:


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