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 Raiding Team

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October 29, 2012, 01:14:55 am
Reply #75

Offline Recklol

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Re: Raiding Team
« Reply #75 on: October 29, 2012, 01:14:55 am »

Are you really that pathetic to post an SS that an angry GM sent you after finding out that you had kicked all 100 odd of her members and ninja'd the gbank? Are you actually for real?

This the part where i would like you to post all of the you took in today's whisper with me, where you are stating in; that ive done a good job for getting rid of all those ppl, because the guild had to be cleared anyway and left core raiders behind in guild bc i couldnt kick them..?


Its not because im stupid enough to forget those raiders behind Reck, like I said before it was a conscious act of me to leave only the raiders behind..  8)

..which makes it another +1 false accusation/lie of reck.

Seriously i dont care if youve managed to get every1 against me Reck.

Like Ive said to some ppl, no matter what accusations they'll come up with, no matter how hard I'd have to try to prove my innocence and no matter what the result of my application to IE is.. I'll still remain the same today as yesterday and know the person for his and others causes and deeds.

Wow you are truly deluded. You DID kick raiders, you kicked Arres, you kicked Nostradamus and 2 others which their names are on the edge of tongue.

I'm sorry but I can't be bothered with this childish crap anymore. You actually talk yourself into believing your own lies. Your a blinkered, deluded, ignorant fool. You truly are. You need some help. That is all.

October 29, 2012, 01:24:22 am
Reply #76

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Re: Raiding Team
« Reply #76 on: October 29, 2012, 01:24:22 am »
Officers can only withdraw 30 stacks if I recall. As I myself made it that way.

Only 30? The moment i withdrew those items it was 100 for each tab, Charley knows it, but ofc she wouldnt confirm, but since you 2 are the biggest ignorant punks, I have no worries, since a Game Master can check on that as well and even can see how many stacks it has been on.

You guys seriously are in a raging war with me arnt you, Im wondering when a more honorfull person left in synergy will step forward and confirm all of what i've said so far.

I have just received screenshots of a member of Synergy who I won't name, saying how you spoke to him in Dutch after you were kicked saying how your bringing the guild with you wherever you go. And he says how you said it in a weird manner like you sounded so confident as all when you said it. You apparently said how your not taking Arres with you because he's with Zhine and not Guinnub because he asslicks officers (even though he's an officer himself?) he said how you acted like you had the whole guild in your hands and could control anyone and he said he acted like your 'friend' to find out your plans. That you were planning on moving the raid team over from synergy to IE and told them all they had to do was make an application.

So these were your so called 'friends' a shame they all think your deluded too. Better luck next time trying to corrupt the minds of people. But wait, that's what me, charley and Zhine do right? Your a hypocrite, and your plans fail, just like you do.

And how you said 'Hey Ghaz, I've fixed us a good deal, guess where were going...iron edge' before you even made an app? I think you have something seriously mentally wrong with you Baby. You need mental help. Seriously.

October 29, 2012, 01:30:02 am
Reply #77

Offline Recklol

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Re: Raiding Team
« Reply #77 on: October 29, 2012, 01:30:02 am »
Ahhh so that was your secret 'plan' that you had for leaving the raiders in guild (a select few) was to let Charley watch as they all left for Iron Edge.

Sorry Baby but your plan failed and our raiders are happy with us. They even said the raid was much better tonight and more peaceful, and they felt they could concentrate more without you being there whispering them stuff during raid.

Sorry for the spam Iron Edge, it's just so funny when someone plans such a corrupt little plan that all goes to dust. Just thought you all deserved to know his little plan too. Can't believe you even said that you fixed them a spot before you had even made an app lol

October 29, 2012, 01:36:38 am
Reply #78


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Re: Raiding Team
« Reply #78 on: October 29, 2012, 01:36:38 am »
ROFL ! Almost fell of my chair after reading what you all just wrote.

I think you as officers and guildleaders of synergy are the delusioned ones here..

October 29, 2012, 01:39:34 am
Reply #79

Offline Recklol

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Re: Raiding Team
« Reply #79 on: October 29, 2012, 01:39:34 am »
ROFL ! Almost fell of my chair after reading what you all just wrote.

I think you as officers and guildleaders of synergy are the delusioned ones here..

Didn't think u would have anything to say to that. It's funny to see when someone has been found out. Their plan they so secretly weaved, ruined by those meddling kids. Rings the bell of childhood with Scooby!

October 29, 2012, 02:02:40 am
Reply #80

Offline Recklol

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Re: Raiding Team
« Reply #80 on: October 29, 2012, 02:02:40 am »
Anyway, I am done on this subject now. I said what I had to say quite a while ago, the other posts were just to keep the guys in IE entertained, but to put it quite frankly I'm getting bored with this myself now.

For the record, you also took ALL enchantment scrolls from gbank as well as all the gems and the flasks which you did not put in there. Thd only reason you didn't take it all were because your bags were full. Farewell Baby, and thankyou for reading guys at Iron Edge, wish you all the best for MoP and future progress! :)

October 29, 2012, 02:04:29 am
Reply #81


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Re: Raiding Team
« Reply #81 on: October 29, 2012, 02:04:29 am »
The only thing you got right so far is the plan a bit which I had in mind.

But even if you found what I was planning.. so what? Your gonna report me for that as well lol? Does it look like I care about it or am crying about it?

Its not like I cant move without them for one place to another..

Plus the only reasson why you are struggeling here so hard is pure because you want to keep your reputation high with ppl who know you.. even if alot of ppl are against my Reck, it still doesnt make your lies and false accusation ive proven here on forums go away.

In your search to take me down ill help you a bit, what ya think mon ?

October 29, 2012, 02:09:19 am
Reply #82


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Re: Raiding Team
« Reply #82 on: October 29, 2012, 02:09:19 am »
Anyway, I am done on this subject now. I said what I had to say quite a while ago, the other posts were just to keep the guys in IE entertained, but to put it quite frankly I'm getting bored with this myself now.

For the record, you also took ALL enchantment scrolls from gbank as well as all the gems and the flasks which you did not put in there. Thd only reason you didn't take it all were because your bags were full. Farewell Baby, and thankyou for reading guys at Iron Edge, wish you all the best for MoP and future progress! :)

All scrolls? Are you seriously becoming exactly like that fuckfaced ex of yours?

Only enchantment stuff I took, were my own matts, which ive said i would store in GB bc i didnt have any room in my own bank.

Dude this is seriously the boilling point, I myself am going to report this entire subject about your false accusation of me robbing the GB, so that the GM's (who are honest guys, exactly the OPPOSITE OF YOU) will check all of the guild bank logs and take the measures they need to!

October 29, 2012, 02:31:36 am
Reply #83

Offline Recklol

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Re: Raiding Team
« Reply #83 on: October 29, 2012, 02:31:36 am »
Dude this is seriously the boilling point

u mad bro?

(Sorry, couldnt resist)

October 29, 2012, 02:44:04 am
Reply #84


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Re: Raiding Team
« Reply #84 on: October 29, 2012, 02:44:04 am »
Dude this is seriously the boilling point

u mad bro?

(Sorry, couldnt resist)

Nah its oke, Im not mad at you, ive made enough statements in order to defend myself.. and what ive noteced in this case is that you cant come up with anything new reck..

Like that quote of mine (u mad bro?), after i said it to dagnir, the kid must have been in epicness, so he screenshotted the ENTIRE sentence and showed it to his bottom ho's.. Now you and charley are using it bc its a trend which came from me lol ?

The only reasson why you are still here, is to make sure ppl will pick on me and your reputation will stay high.

But reck believe me you have wasted yours and synergy's reputation a long time time ago and you know that very well.

October 29, 2012, 02:51:36 am
Reply #85


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Re: Raiding Team
« Reply #85 on: October 29, 2012, 02:51:36 am »
I said I would help you, but wouldnt allow you to post only parts which you have only benefit in.. id rather like to see everyone what we have been talking about in this conversation, so ppl can see whether youre twisting things and are making false accusation or not.

Guess what, you dont have to 'partially' post it anymore, since I did it for us already lol.. and here's another thing:

The further in you guys involve yourselfs in this shit, the more worst reputation you and your guild is getting Reck.

Everyone should know by now your, that abouta almost everything what you've said so far in this topic are nothing else than lies.

Some just arnt smart enough like you to see it and thats where you come in, to manipulate the entire council, like they do in courts..

October 29, 2012, 02:57:46 am
Reply #86

Offline Cojche

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Re: Raiding Team
« Reply #86 on: October 29, 2012, 02:57:46 am »
Fkkn douche, blaming you Bieber for all of this...
High functioning sociopath.

October 29, 2012, 03:03:15 am
Reply #87


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Re: Raiding Team
« Reply #87 on: October 29, 2012, 03:03:15 am »
Fkkn douche, blaming you Bieber for all of this...

hahaha.. sorry Bieber, forgot there was a muscled man around.. >.<

October 29, 2012, 03:30:35 am
Reply #88


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Re: Raiding Team
« Reply #88 on: October 29, 2012, 03:30:35 am »
btw 1 more thing Reck and im off to bed.

IT IS known in Synergy and on DM, for the fact that who they point at are you and charley as the main drama causers for all of the bad things which happend during the raids and trigger ppl to point theyre fingers at you.

But since im so full of lies according to you and the others, how come there is not a single subject you can mention purely about my application which wouldnt be true and may lie lies in?

Its because this whole bullshit, only happend between us and only we know the facts of whats being true or false right.

Once you start with a lie, there is no turning back i assume, so you must have been unimagineable hard thinking what you should say and what not to say hmm? I gues thats something youve learned from your ex, but like I mentioned before she isnt the smartest one either is she..

Since she already messed up alot of things by opening her mouth and speaking with that devils tongue of her.

Plus you should be gratefull to me Reck, for me being a man with honor and not taking the easiest way like you are doing (bc youre told at) by just threatening me to have my reputation screwed on DM by making so many false accusations about me and than again..

..all of you may be deeply ashamed of yourselfs (talking about those who are all trying to take me down), but where I still stand in front of you and consider myself as a proud person for NOT doing the same scumbaggish behaviour you are doing.

For personal problems with ex guild members, I could and still can notify all the Turkish clans on DM and spread lies about all of you (thnx to nationality), to the point that ppl wouldnt even accept any of you to theyre parties or raids.

But Im glad I dont have anger management, nor mentality issues like you guys and so I wont lower my level o thinking and solving problems to that of yours, which it is not appriciated since they involve nothing else than personal issue's with former guildmember(s) or friends.

I think Ive spoken enough, cya'll tomorrow.

October 29, 2012, 03:47:53 am
Reply #89

Offline Vorte

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Re: Raiding Team
« Reply #89 on: October 29, 2012, 03:47:53 am »
[22:27] <Globox> I cry when I clean my left ear with a q-tip


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