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 [25 Man Casual Raid] Hunter (DPS) - Klimenpwn

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September 25, 2013, 11:51:46 pm
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[25 Man Casual Raid] Hunter (DPS) - Klimenpwn
« on: September 25, 2013, 11:51:46 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

Character: Klimenpwn
Class/Spec: Hunter (DPS)
Raid: 25 Man Casual Raid

Personal Info:

Klimenty , 20 years Student Im from Russia but have been living in Sweden for 11 years now so i speak Swedish better than Russian but still very fluent on both.


I play Survival most of the time and got BM as dual specc know of course how to play all 3 speccs very well since i have been playing hunter my whole wow career. Got 541 ilvl.


Well I start with serp sting and refreshing it with cobra every time it needs to be refreshed if serp sting duration ends you lose some dps so its important to control. then I use Glaive toss and explosive shot on cd + black arrow and arcane shot if i got few seconds between. I use all my long cds like stampade at cd but I save them of course if you need to have them at special moment in the fight.


got lvl 90 monk Brewmaster that I have not been playing for a while got 505 ilvl or something.


600 Inscription , 600 enchanting and 600 in all secondary proffesions.

Raid Experience:

I didn´t raid in TBC at all, in the end of expansion i cleared Kara, Gruul , Maggy , ZA and few bosses in TK, MH and SSC with random pugs after all nerfs.

Wotlk : Naxx , OS3D, Malygos Full cleared before Ulduar patches.
Ulduar : Full normal clear and some hardmodes like Knock, Knock, Knock, One Light in Darkness, Lose your Illusion before nerfs.
ToC Grand 10 and 25 man Insanity before ICC patches. And also cleared rest of my hardmodes in Ulduar + killed Algalon in both 10 and 25 man and Yogg10 0 keepers.
When ICC arrived we also fixed Yogg0 keepers in 25 man
ICC10 12/12 HC after 10 or 15% don´t remember exactly
ICC25 11/12 HC with many, many tries on LK but never managed to kill him, Full Glory of Icecrown raider both 10 and 25
Cataclysm: T11 content (BoT, BWD, Tot4W) 12/13 hc everything except Ascendant Council (raided 25man)
Got hacked few weeks before Firelands so I was away from wow for 3 months when I went back I managed to clear 6/7 hc but it was after all nerfs.
Dragon Soul 6/8 HC + Finished Glory of DS raider before mop (after nerfs) played casual with friends the whole content like in Firelands.
In pandaria I have not been raiding serious at all. I helped out few mates in Last resort(alt) and Desolate runs so I managed to clear 16/16 normal and 5/16HC before ToT arrived. In ToT my progress is just 12/12 normal with 1 heroic. In SoO i have 2/14 normal and 8/14 flex got of course full knowledge of every normal tac and some heroic aswell
Notice that this is my ''new account that i started after Firelands because i was hacked at the end of t11 content.

Previous Guilds:

Vendetta, Kazzak. reason why i left was because I wanted higher quality raiding in Ulduar and most of people took a summer break anyways so the guild did not raid.
Misanthrope a guild that was top 3 on kazzak for a while in wotlk. The guild sort of disbanded before ICC because a lot of people joined Memento Mori (a guild that was top 30 in the world back then)
Bloodreign, Kazzak I got kicked after I was offline for to long time. I was actually on vacation and left my message on wrong forum so no one saw the note. (really stupid by me I know)
Gnometrotters, Auchindoun Got hacked in the end of T11 content. Right before Firelands and never got my account back because blizzard perm banned it.
Started new account when Firelands came out and never been raiding seriously since then.
Desolate / Last Resort, Kazzak(social) got friends in both guilds so have been slacking there for a while and playing in alt runs and stuff.


I am online everyday after 16-17 until 24.00-01.00 that is 100% can of course stay longer or come online earlier if that would be necessary. On weekends I am able to play the whole day if that would be needed aswell.


I speak English fluent and have TS , Mumble , vent , skype and always available to speak. Got working mic

Computer / Connection:

I have a good connection and good computer that never gives me problems with lags unless its a server lag ofc. I have stable fps in 25 raids and can se shit on the ground so It works in my opinion :p


I play almost everytime with elv / tuk ui and using deadly boss mode Omen and recount in raids , also Forte xorcist for cd bar and hunter focus bar for big Focus bar that makes it easier for me to watch my rotations.

On this pic im in MM specc but I use following binds in Survival this is the main attacks :

Q : explosive shot
E : arcane shot
Shift Q : Cobra shot
Shift E: serpent sting
1 my cds like rapid fire and stampade
2: glaive toss
3: macro Rabid (pet cd that gives attack speed)
4: black arrow
X: detterence
shift 1: disengage
R: murder of cows
and many more

Other Games:

Nope playing 8 ball poll on Facebook when I am really bored haha ;)

Why Iron Edge?

People in the guild have been playing wow for a long and includes good and dedicated players that raids at good level and at same time being very casual. 2 raids per week is really perfect for me and if Im going to raid that little amount of time I still want to be at good progress and Iron Edge got what I need.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

What I can promise you is full dedication towards raiding always focused and fun guy that can handle criticism without any hard feelings and always trying to improve. Not afraid in using voice communications like skype / vent etc. You might be worry about that I haven´t been raiding serious for a while, but I say don´t! I´m really motived and have been playing my class for 5 years soon and my motivation is better than ever!

Where did I hear about Iron Edge??

Seen people on the Server and been checking wowprogress for a while

Last Words?

Hope you like my apply and lets hope we se each other in SoO soon! cheers

September 26, 2013, 12:21:31 am
Reply #1

Offline Abyiss

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Re: [25 Man Casual Raid] Hunter (DPS) - Klimenpwn
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2013, 12:21:31 am »
The only man foolish enough to roll a DK tank.

(Shannaro 2010)

September 26, 2013, 01:09:53 pm
Reply #2

Offline Auja

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Re: [25 Man Casual Raid] Hunter (DPS) - Klimenpwn
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2013, 01:09:53 pm »
Hello Klimnty,

Thank you for nice words about the IE community and for the decent application u have made. Everything seems alright for me however, we are seriously full on hunters right now. (4 raiding hunters) So i will not vote yes for your application even it makes me feel sorry :( Let's hear what officers say.
Manga freak, free spirit, deist, chain smoker, Activist and Protester, #occupygezi, 34 and still getting older! (Astrild)

September 26, 2013, 01:14:43 pm
Reply #3

Offline Gaeios(Graxlos)

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Re: [25 Man Casual Raid] Hunter (DPS) - Klimenpwn
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2013, 01:14:43 pm »
Thanks for the application and yes sorry we are very full on hunters and if you read the text on MMO-Champion we are not recruiting raiders in general.

Good luck finding another raid. Recruitment is open for Social member and for PvP'ers.

Bears like alts!


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