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 Raider Application - Hunter (DPS) - Kithril

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December 21, 2015, 09:24:55 pm
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Raider Application - Hunter (DPS) - Kithril
« on: December 21, 2015, 09:24:55 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying for the main raid.

Character: Kithril
Class/Spec: Hunter (DPS)
Member Type: raider

Personal Info:

Hello, my name is Emil. I am 22 years old (I turn 23 6. january), and I live in Copenhagen (Denmark). I work at a communications company as an analyst, which really sounds fancier than it is. Basically I use excel to improve performance in the Sales department. Besides that I study economics at Copenhagen Business School. That's why this guild suits me really fine with only two raid days a week (Obviously I can raid more, but as a standard this works perfectly fine). In my sparetime I watch a lot of football. I am a huge fan of Manchester United, which is really not very funny at the moment. Other than that I mainly just hang with my friends and play a lot of computer. Basically what most 22 yeards old do :D


I play MM at the moment. Mostly due to the fact that it supplies the biggest damage output. If there was no difference between the DPS, I would probably play survival since it's the spec I've had the most fun with. I am liking MM more and more, I most definitely like playing without a pet, however I really started playing hunter to have the liberation of being able to move all the time, which is not an option now. To sum up, I have a lot fun playing this spec, I like the big crits, I would prefer to play survival if I had the choice :) I currently have 723 ilvl, with legendary rick unlocked.

I've played hunter for quite a while. I played it actively in TBC, MoP and now WoD. That means that I actively use the utility spells like binding shot, tranquilizing shot, ect. ect. When it comes to my main rotation I make sure to use Chimaera shot on CD, powershot (Barrage if AOE fight) on CD, then I use Aimed shot as focus spender and Steady Shot to generate focus. If the target is below 35% I use Kill shot on CD, always prioritized above any other spells. I play with Stampede which is always used on CD except if the current fight requires certain burst phases. Rapid Fire is used on CD as well, except for the same reason as Stampede. I tend to save Arcane Torrent for burst phases to increase my high damage spells. I use food/gems/enchants as advised by the most recognized websites like Icy-Veins. ect ect. That can basically be described with the headline "Crit". That is also my stat priory: Crit -> Mutlistrike -> Versatility -> Mastery -> Haste.  I always play with the same talents except for Powershot/barrage where I change between aoe and single target fights, and Posthaste/Crouching Tiger, Hidden Chimaera depending on wether the fight requires a lot of movement or not. I use Crouching Tiger, Hidden Chimaera as a default due to the increased survivability.


I have a level 100 mage & Druid, they are not ready for raiding at all tho', so at the moment they are mostly just for fun. I have all the other classes in level +90.


I use leatherworking and engineering. I've used them ever since I started this one, since they have provided the best combination of stat improvement and utility. I still use them now since Engineering provides nice utilities like Rocket Boost and Glider, and leatherworking is always good at the start of an expansion to gear up fast and to make nice money! ;)

Raiding Experience:

Vanilla: Started very late, so didn't raid.
TBC: Everything cleared
Wotlk: Naxx 25, EOE 25, OS3D 25, Ulduar 25, ToT 25 Normal, ICC 25 normal
Cata: Didn't play much, only killed few bosses in the first raid
MoP: ToT 11/13 Mythic 10, SoO 14/14 Mythic 10/25
WoD: HFC 2/13 Mythic

Except for wotlk where I played as druid tank, I have always played hunter.
I have also completed all CMs on gold in both MoP and WoD.

Previous Guilds:

I started on the server Zenedar. in a guild called Keepers of the Oath where I played throughout the entire TBC, then I wanted to play with friends, so I migrated to Sporregar where I played in a guild called Darkfire. When ToT was released I had to go to boarding school causing me to leave them, which also explains why only completed ToT & ICC on normal since I was guildless. Then I came back for Cataclysm but that was just when I started high school, which means that I prioritized school more. I came after i finished High School which was about when ToT was released. Then I moved to Kazzak to play with my mates again in a guild called Blood Reign. We did 11/13 Mythic ToT 10 man, and got to 9/14 Mythic 10 man in SoO. About this time people started leaving, causing me and my two good pals to join Xeon on this server as well. We cleared the rest of SoO on 10 and 25 man in that guild. Then I got in a quarrel with the GM, since my mates started to go inactive, I didn't tho'. He treated us as a group and kicked all of us, even tho' I was playing actively with 100% attendance. Throughout WoD I have been a social in Rock Paper Scissors, but didn't start raiding with them before HFC. They have taken me to all of the HC bosses and 2/13 mythic, but they have made it clear that there is no room for me as regular raider, which is why I want to join you guys now.


I am available all days. I do however like to go out on friday/saturday. I have a few upcoming exams, but they're always in the daytime, making it no problems. I often won't be able to come online before 6. pm server time since that is where I get home from work. I have a weeks holiday in february. Other than that, I'm yours! :)


I have all voice chat programmes. Ventrilo, Discord, Mumble & TS3. I'd like to believe my english is very good, so talking and understanding wont be a problem. I have a microphone and some say I use it too much :D

Computer / Connection:

I have a costume made gaming computer (Don't ask me what's in it, I just asked a friend to make it). I never has fps issues. I have a 300/60 Mbit connection, which is very stable. It is supplied by my own work :) I never Disconnect and never lag.


Atlasloot, Cooldowns, Exorsus Raid Tools, GTFO, RClootcouncil, Recount, TellMeWhen, ElvUi, DBM. I also use a couple more but they are only for the looks.


My 1-6 are the most used damaging spells, with Rapid fire on Shift + 3, Stampede on Mouse 4, And Tranqualizing shot on Mouse 5, My Deterrence is on H, Disengage on G, Feign death on F and Counter Shot on T. I have misdirection on ½, Concussive Shot on Shift + 5 and Camouflage on Shift + 4. The rest of my spells I click as I use them so rarely.

As you can see my TellMeWhen tracks my most important cooldowns

Besides that I have a "Utility bar" above my spell bar where I have potions and my engineering bonuses (Glider & Rocket boost)

Other Games:

I play FIFA 16, The last of us on PS4. I play Rocket League, CSGO, Black Ops III, HS, Diablo, Heroes of Newerth and much more. I do like to play different games :)

Why Iron Edge?

I want to join Iron Edge because I had a very pleasent chat with Rashkebab. He seemed very interrested in seeing an application from me, which made me want to join. Besides that it offers the level of gaming I need/want, since it's a mythic raiding guild. It also suits me fine since it's only two raid days a week :) I'd rather raid a bit longer and a day less.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

I can offer a dedicated player that always strive to play flawlessly! I commit my self 100% to learning the fights beforehand, so I minimize my mistakes. You'd also get a player who understands wow in general being I've played since early vanilla. I am a very happy guy that always lends out a helping hand (I know about everyone writes this, but I really mean it).  

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

I heard from you on trade spam, where I got in a conversation with Rashkebab who convinced me to apply.

Last Words?

I hope that my application shows I'm a very skilled and clever player. I hope that it shows that the only thing you would need to have me ready for Archimonde is a small gear upgrade.

I do also know that when you're ready this you'd probably stumble upon 2 things that would activate your concerns. First of all I guess you would comment on my "large" ammount of breaks since I didn't play at the end of wotlk, cataclysm, start of MoP and Start of WoD as well. I would however like to explain my self. as you can see from my age I have been through a bunch of different phases in my life in the past few years. Some that has made it impossible to raid on the level I want to. Now I am in a more stable phase of my life. I have a full time job, so I won't quit anymore I can guarentee that!

You have probably also noticed that I left guilds to join my friends, and you're probably fearing that could happen again. Those days are also behind me. After seeing with happened to Bloodreign I am done with leaving. It stopped us from progressing in 2-3 months, because we kept getting new applicants who stayed for some gear and left again.

Finally I would like to say, that if you would consider it I believe Charles would be a far more suitable name for the cat! :)

I hope you liked my applications and feel free to ask any kind of questions :)

December 21, 2015, 09:56:08 pm
Reply #1

Offline Jallurin

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Re: Raider Application - Hunter (DPS) - Kithril
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2015, 09:56:08 pm »

December 22, 2015, 12:10:01 am
Reply #2

Offline Rash

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Re: Raider Application - Hunter (DPS) - Kithril
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2015, 12:10:01 am »
Very nice application! I've spoken to this guy quite a bit and I think he'll fit in nicely :)
Rash - Holy Priest
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December 22, 2015, 01:25:44 am
Reply #3

Offline Glacio

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Re: Raider Application - Hunter (DPS) - Kithril
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2015, 01:25:44 am »
Application looks really good! Good luck on your apply i think you have a good chance of getting in  ;D
"But she was fat, so she probably doesn't have any diseases"

December 23, 2015, 01:31:08 pm
Reply #4

Offline Mooneclipse

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Re: Raider Application - Hunter (DPS) - Kithril
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2015, 01:31:08 pm »
Oh my, oh my, another hunter application *rubs hands together ominously*. Suddenly we're back to the earlier days of this expansion where everyone and their mother played hunter.

Your application is looking quite decent, it's nice to get to know the history of the person applying for the guild, and it's certainly nice seeing the applicant show some amounts of personality, which we will all cherish in this guild. You do seem to be lacking quite behind when it comes to your experience, which means that you're going to have some reading homework to be doing, seeing as how we're currently progressing on Archimonde, and we will expect you to be more than just a little familiar with the fight. Your ring is also somewhat on the lower side of the spectrum, and I suppose that's because you got it a little late. I'm willing to overlook this though, and I would have wanted you to overlook this if it wasn't for the dreadful fact that you're a.... dane...

On a more serious note, I would like it for you to come and trial for us, and we will see how well you fit into the raiding roster, and we will get to test your abilities a little more thoroughly. Other than this, we have already 3 active hunters in the raid, and just accepted another hunter to trial as well, so it will be somewhat packed with hunters, but they're just such a good class to have, it can't be helped. I hope you enjoy a competative environment.

It's a bit of an unfortionate timing from your part, since we had our last raid of the year just recently, and we will be picking up again on the 4th.

You can poke me or an officer ingame for an invite!  :D

We will not change the name of the Norbster, he is the cherished prize of Iron Edge.
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December 23, 2015, 04:51:39 pm
Reply #5

Offline Kithril

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Re: Raider Application - Hunter (DPS) - Kithril
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2015, 04:51:39 pm »
The way I see it the break gives me time to read up and upgrade my ring a bit more before the first real test :)

I shall find one of you when you are online, and thank you for the nice comments and the opportunity! :)

Hopefully in time you'll see what a fitting name Charles is!

December 23, 2015, 04:55:30 pm
Reply #6

Offline Vejeta

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Re: Raider Application - Hunter (DPS) - Kithril
« Reply #6 on: December 23, 2015, 04:55:30 pm »
Most important thing is, do you like cake, if so moon loves the stuff so you may have to kill him.

Nice app aswell well put together and informative.

Good luck

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