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 Raider Application - Death Knight (DPS) - Moghoulkhan

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June 17, 2016, 12:05:05 am
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Raider Application - Death Knight (DPS) - Moghoulkhan
« on: June 17, 2016, 12:05:05 am »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying for the main raid.

Character: Moghoulkhan
Class/Spec: Death Knight (DPS)
Member Type: raider

Personal Info:

Hi! My name is Jarrett, I'm 25 years old and I live in Cape Town in South Africa. I work as an attorney.

I want to mention two things from the outset: First, I am applying to Iron Edge as a raider, and I am willing to play whatever class or spec the guilds needs going into Legion, and that may not be my DK which I am applying on. (Legion character boost ready and waiting).

Second, I am applying with two friends, former officers from our previous guild, Pannion and Elfrighteous. We understand that you may not be able to offer us all places and we are applying individually, but if possible we would like to play together.


My main spec is Unholy. In 6.2 Unholy outperforms Frost on pretty much every fight. I have a frost offspec for farm runs and things, but I rarely use it as Unholy is generally better.
My item level is 741 (depending on which trinkets the fight demands). I am in full Mythic gear. (Fully upgraded).
I am happy to play any Melee DPS class (Whatever the guild needs), but I would like to play Windwalker Monk in legion :).

I constantly research developments in whatever class I am playing. I follow several class specific blogs, I read the class forums on MMochampion and actively compare my setup and performance to other members of my class on warcraftlogs.
Unholy Deathknights, for example,  prioritize Multistrike, then Mastery, then Crit, Versatility and lastly Haste. Mastery becomes more valuable if using Necrotic Plague over BoS or Defile.
UH has two viable builds - either using necrotic plague for aoe dps, or BoS for singletarget or burst. (I will state them simply here, I am happy to discuss the rotation in more detail over TS or something).

For Necroplague, the goal is to festering strike often enough to maintain the disease at full strength on your target until necroblight is off cooldown. Then you use necroblight to instantly refresh the disease to 15 stacks. Any excess runes you use on scourge strike. Additionally - maintain your pet's buff, make sure you are not capping runic power (deathcoil as needed), and use gargoyle when you use potions.

For BoS, you want to pool as much RP as possible before using BoS (along with any procs and CD's), and then you want to maintain the breath for as long as possible by generating RP during it. This is done by performing your regular rotation, as well as using ERW and AMS to soak magic damage. The core rotation is fairly simple. Blood and Frost runes are used on Festering Strike. Death and Unholy Runes used on Scourge Strike. Excess RP is dumped using deathcoil as above.


I have a level 100 Druid, Monk, and Paladin as well as my DK. As stated above, I am willing to play whatever is needed going into legion. However my preference is for Melee DPS.


I have Herbalism and Alchemy on my DK - for making raid potions and flasks. I have alts with inscription and Enchanting. Nothing very interesting - purely functional :P

Raiding Experience:

I have played WoW since I was a teenager, raiding casually in the Burning Crusade, and fairly seriously in Wrath (Heroic Raiding Team, we managed to kill the LichKing before the nerf). I played briefly in Cata, and then took a break. I came back to the game for WoD during which I raided in Failed Experiment. We  cleared 1/7 M HM, 6/10 M BRF (We had alot of roster problems - our first Hanz and Franz kill was with 18 raiders), and 13/13 M HFC. (Realm 32).

I was an officer in Failed Experiment, and was responsible for Melee in raids.
I have also completed all of the Gold dungeon challenge modes in WoD.

Previous Guilds:

For the whole of WOD I was in Failed Experiment, in which I was an officer. We built the guild up from a struggling heroic difficulty raid group to a decent Mythic outfit. (We finished Mythic HFC 32nd on the server). I played with a great group of players and I enjoyed the expansion in general. After we killed Archimonde in February sometime, people began to lose interest and members began to take breaks. We eventually paused our raiding until Legion.

Since then, several key members of our guild - including our Guild Leader and Raid Leader, have left to join other guilds still raiding. I am busier now at work, and I don't want to have to rebuild the guild again. So myself and two of the other officers are looking to join an established Mythic Raiding guild for Legion.


I am available most evenings after 7:30, and on Weekends. I work during weekdays  (8 to 6 usually).


I am available most evenings after 7:30, and on Weekends. I work during weekdays  (8 to 6 usually).

Computer / Connection:

I have a high end system, FPS always above 70 in combat. My internet connection is decent and I rarely have high ping or instability.


I use Bigwigs, Angry Assignments and Exorsus Raid Tools for raiding.
I spend a great deal of time customizing my UI for whatever character I am playing. I use Bartender, Weakaura's , TellmeWhen and some class specific addons (droodfocus, compactrunes). All of my abilities are keybound, and my action bars are completely hidden (Nothing you see in my UI is a button that you can click on). I then use WA's ad TMW's to display any information I need to see. It would take a while to go through all of my bindings, as literally everything is bound (all abilities, mount, potions, flasks etc etc) - but I am more than happy to discuss my bindings over TS if you would like.

Here are two screenshots of my UI, one in combat in my Garrison, one in an LFR raid to show raid frames etc.

Other Games:

I play some Dota2, and I played Fallout 4 and the Witcher 3.

Why Iron Edge?

I want to go into Legion in a Mythic Raid team which is organised and committed, but without enormous pressure. I think that Iron Edge sounds like it could be a good fit for me

What can I offer Iron Edge?

I am a strong player, with Mythic raiding experience. I prepare very carefully for progression - by reading up on fights, watching POV videos, checking the top performers on warcraftlogs, ensuring that I have fight specific weakaura's and alerts and of course practicing my rotation. Below see a link to my logs from Mythic HFC:

As you can see from my logs, my goal is always to kill the boss. I don't focus on my own logs, but rather ensure that I am landing the interrupt, making the grip or killing the priority add.

Apart from that, I'm a friendly and active guy! I'm happy to help others, and I'm looking for a guild I can interacts with in and outside of a raid.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

I have raided with members of yours on Openraid, and I have seen your link on wowprogress. I also have friends / former Guildies who have said good things about your guild.

Last Words?

I would love to have a chat with you on TS sometime - personally I feel an interview is a better way to get to know someone than a written application!

Otherwise, hope to hear from you, and possibly to play with you soon.

June 17, 2016, 12:26:07 pm
Reply #1

Offline Shimmar

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Re: Raider Application - Death Knight (DPS) - Moghoulkhan
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2016, 12:26:07 pm »
Hey Moghoulkhan, Thanks for applying
I can't say too much on recruitment and/or question your ability based on what you've said, but it looks like you know your stuff anyway, so I will just inform you on the current situation:
We have finished raiding for the expansion with the exception of possible boost runs weekly just for that extra bit of gold ready for Legion, so should you and your pals be accepted i'm sure we can find room in those runs for you. Other than that it will probably be fairly quiet until either prepatch or Legion launch.

I'm sure the officers will be in touch in the next couple of days as I believe their Sexual needs will be satisfied by today, so I'm sure they will have more insight for you.

Good luck with the App :)
« Last Edit: June 17, 2016, 12:28:43 pm by Creepy Sam »

June 17, 2016, 03:16:11 pm
Reply #2

Offline Vejeta

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Re: Raider Application - Death Knight (DPS) - Moghoulkhan
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2016, 03:16:11 pm »
Hey Moghoulkhan,

Decent apply, as mentioned by Creappy Sam... we have stopped raiding for legion you would be brought in as a social until legion and than trialled. We are heavy in melee numbers already however so would it be a stumbling block if yuou hada ranged class, depending on who wants to play what in legion which hasnt been discussed will depend on what the guild needs but most of have expressed will be raiding in legion. will leave it to the officers to decide.

But my other concern is if you are all applying as a group what happens if one is declined will the others look elsewhere too?

Also whats your ms and connection like considering from South africa?


You may have invaded my mind and my body...but there's one thing a Saiyin always keeps...his PRIDE!!!

Former angriest bastard on the internet.
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June 17, 2016, 09:11:17 pm
Reply #3

Offline Rash

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Re: Raider Application - Death Knight (DPS) - Moghoulkhan
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2016, 09:11:17 pm »
Hi Moghoulkhan!

My internet connection is decent and I rarely have high ping or instability.

Can you give us some sort of idea what kind of ping you regularly play with? If it's like our other South African applicants, 200 MS is not insignificant.
Rash - Holy Priest
Rashuwu - Mistweaver Monk
Porkkebab - Holy Paladin

June 18, 2016, 11:26:34 pm
Reply #4

Offline Moghoulkhan

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Re: Raider Application - Death Knight (DPS) - Moghoulkhan
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2016, 11:26:34 pm »
Hi guys - thanks for the replies. Really nice to see an active guild community!

@Vejeta: As Pannion said, we understand if you cannot fit all three of us into your raiding team initially, and we are willing to work to earn our spots.

With regards to melee/ranged, as I mention below I'm looking for a raiding team and I'm wiling to play what is needed. I applied on my DK as the character is probably the best representation of my ability / achievements as it was what I have my most recent logs on etc, but I would be happy to ranged in legion. (or anything else really)

@Rashkebab: I get around 140ms, which I understand if you are used to 20 or 30 seems very high :P. Unfortunately that's about as good as it gets from here, but luckily the way wow is coded, that sort of ping is not very noticeable in game. We've never had trouble with latency in raids. Completely comfortable with interrupting, CD usage and those kind of raid mechanics. I guess though the easiest way to show that is for you to trial us and see :)

I realize that you guys have finished raiding for this tier - which suits me fine as I'm sick to death of HFC. If you do think you will be able to offer me a trial come legion, I'd like to join the guild now anyway so I can get to know you all and possibly do some boosts or whatever else you're all up to in the weeks left until Legion comes out.

Thanks for taking the time to check out our applications - oh and Shylar thanks for the shoutout!

June 19, 2016, 01:19:30 pm
Reply #5

Offline Rash

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Re: Raider Application - Death Knight (DPS) - Moghoulkhan
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2016, 01:19:30 pm »
@Rashkebab: I get around 140ms, which I understand if you are used to 20 or 30 seems very high :P.

I come from extreme European server privilege, I'm used to about 7ms, which I guess fuels my fears :P

But we've talked it over and you guys' country isn't going to be a problem, our melee and ranged officer will review you guys apps' and you'll hear from them shortly.
Feel free to tell your countrymen know about the update in case they only check their own threads!
Rash - Holy Priest
Rashuwu - Mistweaver Monk
Porkkebab - Holy Paladin

June 20, 2016, 12:42:20 am
Reply #6

Offline Phoenixflame

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Re: Raider Application - Death Knight (DPS) - Moghoulkhan
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2016, 12:42:20 am »
Hey Shear/Moghoulkhan,

I have to join the others in pointing out that this is a nice application. I'd love to trial you on your death knight in legion but you can already join the guild now if you like. You can poke me or another officer ingame for an invite!
« Last Edit: June 20, 2016, 12:44:53 am by Phoenixflame »

June 20, 2016, 05:00:57 pm
Reply #7

Offline Moghoulkhan

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Re: Raider Application - Death Knight (DPS) - Moghoulkhan
« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2016, 05:00:57 pm »
Great - thanks very much! :D


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