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 Mafia V - World of Warcraft Legion -

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October 17, 2016, 05:53:54 pm
Reply #90

Offline Fulskar

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Re: Mafia V - World of Warcraft Legion -
« Reply #90 on: October 17, 2016, 05:53:54 pm »
I vote in accordance with Yoica since he's the first to make an actual argument.

You seem pretty quick to agree with Yoica, but I don't think his argument is a really an 'actual' one, see below.

1. Inexcutis - statistically narrators are mafia more often not mafia. Have to make 1st night choice based on something right?

I narrated one post, but you guys seem pretty keen to fixate on it? I get you have to make the first night choice based on something, but the fact you're saying that shows your argument is weak, it's just the best of a bad bunch? Or at least by your evaluation it is.

I will also be voting for Inexcitus because the summary kind of stood out. Although it was useful (I guess), it is as Yoica said an effective way to appear active without taking a stand.

I disagree with Vorte finding Inexcitus' last answer "pretty townie". If I was told that I did something suspicious I would take up a more defensive stance than he did there to protect my innocence. He seems to, yet again, not want to arouse any suspicion by supplying a neutral response.

Again, not really seeing a strong point here apart from what I wrote stood out and was useful? Of course I'm a townie, everyone is implicitly a townie in the first round anyway, it's up to them wether they explicitly state it or not, that's kind of just how the game works? It's a balance right, if I start screaming "I'm townie guys!" that's suspicious, if I'm a bit more withdrawn that's suspicious

That being said I think we got a lot of information from the first day, the voting seems pretty fixated on several people, which is interesting, and there are some groups of people already appearing to band together on seemingly weak foundations. But that's the nature of round 1 I guess.

October 17, 2016, 06:36:56 pm
Reply #91

Offline Archz

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Re: Mafia V - World of Warcraft Legion -
« Reply #91 on: October 17, 2016, 06:36:56 pm »
Some voting analysis (as far as it can be done):

Post by: Hugman on October 16, 2016, 11:09:57 pm
##VOTE : Vorte

Vorte - 1

Post by: Yoica on October 16, 2016, 11:15:03 pm
##VOTE : Inexcitus

Vorte - 1
Inexcitus - 1

Post by: Grishnag on October 16, 2016, 11:22:33 pm
##VOTE : Graxlos

Vorte - 1
Inexcitus - 1
Graxlos - 1

Post by: Inexcitus on October 16, 2016, 11:49:41 pm
##VOTE : Shimmar

Vorte - 1
Inexcitus - 1
Graxlos - 1
Shimmar - 1

Post by: Phoenixflame on October 17, 2016, 12:12:57 am
##VOTE : Inexcitus

Vorte - 1
Inexcitus - 2
Graxlos - 1
Shimmar - 1

Post by: Archz on October 17, 2016, 12:13:19 am
##VOTE : Tyler

Vorte - 1
Inexcitus - 2
Graxlos - 1
Shimmar - 1
Tyler - 1

Post by: Mouseh on October 17, 2016, 01:18:11 am
##VOTE : Phoenixflame

Vorte - 1
Inexcitus - 2
Graxlos - 1
Shimmar - 1
Tyler - 1
Phoenixflame - 1

Post by: Gaeios(Graxlos) on October 17, 2016, 07:22:03 am
##VOTE : Tyler

Vorte - 1
Inexcitus - 2
Graxlos - 1
Shimmar - 1
Tyler - 2
Phoenixflame - 1

Post by: Tyler on October 17, 2016, 08:39:10 am
## VOTE : Phoenixflame

Vorte - 1
Inexcitus - 2
Graxlos - 1
Shimmar - 1
Tyler - 2
Phoenixflame - 2

Post by: Gaeios(Graxlos) on October 17, 2016, 08:45:19 am
##UNVOTE : Tyler

##VOTE : Archz

Vorte - 1
Inexcitus - 2
Graxlos - 1
Shimmar - 1
Tyler - 1
Phoenixflame - 2
Archz - 1

Post by: Rashkebab on October 17, 2016, 09:46:47 am
##VOTE: Arches

Vorte - 1
Inexcitus - 2
Graxlos - 1
Shimmar - 1
Tyler - 1
Phoenixflame - 2
Archz - 2

Post by: Vorte on October 17, 2016, 09:47:22 am
##VOTE : Shimmar

Vorte - 1
Inexcitus - 2
Graxlos - 1
Shimmar - 2
Tyler - 1
Phoenixflame - 2
Archz - 2

Post by: Grilldyret on October 17, 2016, 09:53:21 am
##VOTE : Inexcitus

Vorte - 1
Inexcitus - 3
Graxlos - 1
Shimmar - 2
Tyler - 1
Phoenixflame - 2
Archz - 2

Post by: Archz on October 17, 2016, 10:23:03 am
##UNVOTE : Tyler

##VOTE : Shimmar

Vorte - 1
Inexcitus - 3
Graxlos - 1
Shimmar - 3
Tyler - 1
Phoenixflame - 2
Archz - 2

Looking for mafia-ish voting:

In retrospect I see that Yoica had a fair point, just voting for someone that will get killed doesn't give us a whole lot. It was pretty obvious that Shimmar was townie, and even if he was mafia then the other mafia could have just jumped on it (if they couldn't reach him) and lynch a mafia to get some credibility.

The only thing we have to go for at this point is people going for risk free voting if they're not very experienced at mafia, given that one of their own isn't at risk being lynched. I think both me and Vorte is especially at fault there when we jump on the band wagon of someone who's been AFK the entire day.

On to how to use our special town abilities:

We have one of these combinations:
A) 1 Town Cop, 1 Town Doctor, 1 Town Vigilante, 7 Vanilla Townies, 1 Mafia Roleblocker, 1 Mafia Godfather, 1 Mafia Goon
B) 1 Town Cop, 1 Town Doctor, 1 Town Bodyguard, 7 Vanilla Townies, 1 Mafia Roleblocker, 1 Mafia Godfather, 1 Mafia Goon
C) 1 Town Cop, 1 Town Doctor, 1 Named Town, 7 Vanilla Townies, 1 Mafia Roleblocker, 1 Mafia Godfather, 1 Mafia Goon

We have at least one cop (he can check your role during the night) so this needs to be put to good use. First we need to know:

Since it was specified that the game should be contained to the forum, can the cop contact players outside of the post through PM's?

Should he be so lucky as to find a mafia, then he still probably shouldn't come out with his role, instead say it to someone that may have gone hard against that person at the start, although that could also be some clever and risky mafia play

October 17, 2016, 09:10:56 pm
Reply #92

Offline Cwave

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Re: Mafia V - World of Warcraft Legion -
« Reply #92 on: October 17, 2016, 09:10:56 pm »

Since it was specified that the game should be contained to the forum, can the cop contact players outside of the post through PM's?


October 17, 2016, 11:10:12 pm
Reply #93

Offline Cwave

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Re: Mafia V - World of Warcraft Legion -
« Reply #93 on: October 17, 2016, 11:10:12 pm »
Not a best start of this first day for avenging Cwave and this night turned out to be just as terrible, Tyler thought. Still wearing his dirty ol’ garms  from the mystic farm run when all of a sudden he was rudely ported out. Into this messy murder scene, surrounded by idiots and traitors. Followed by the Old Gods shipping that poor smuck Shimmar off like a child-bride to get tentacled by C’thun. And now this collection of fellow raiders lay here scattered around him snoring like a pack of lumberjacks.

“Typical in-it, bunch of Cockneys”, Tyler murmured.

A quick piss around the corner, might as well. As he walked past a couple of spirit totems in this silly Shaman Order Hall, he bumped into one of his fellow raiders.

Surprised, Tyler asked:
“Oy, why are you smiling at me like some drunk murloc? And what’s that moving in your right hand? You fancy yourself a mash man and ya gonna dash it at me?”

His fellow raider threw the creature he held captive in his right hand towards Tyler. As soon as this Corrupted Vermin hit Tyler, he got a tick of Burst of Corruption. The debuff that followed dazed Tyler.

As he ran back towards the group of guildies with the vermin following him, he remembered what the Corrupted Vermin would do to them if it reached them while being vast asleep.

Tyler stopped running, accepting his inevitable death…

He stood still and the vermin caught up with him. A loud explosion followed shaking the rock foundations and waking the rest of the raiders. As they rushed towards the sound, they found nothing but the weapons of one of their fellow raiders, covered in goo.

               Tyler the Vanilla Townie has been killed

It’s now day2.  Day2 will end tomorrow evening 18-10-2016 @ 23:00 GMT+1
Don’t forget to post and vote!
« Last Edit: October 17, 2016, 11:12:04 pm by Cwave »

October 17, 2016, 11:28:46 pm
Reply #94

Offline Grishnag

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Re: Mafia V - World of Warcraft Legion -
« Reply #94 on: October 17, 2016, 11:28:46 pm »

To be honest and this is going to sound very mafia and i know, killing tyler off might be good for the town, he barely interacted.

It however does give us some information, tyler voted for Phoenixflames, now as we all know him and hugman have kinda bieng going "off" at each other from the start, this might be a devious maffia ploy to set eachother up looking like townies argueing at eachother slightly to passionatly.

On the otherhand i am glad that we just lost 2 townies and not a powerrole like a cop or medic.
"No matter where you go in life, Keep an eye out for Johnny the tackling Alzheimer patient" - Dr. Perry Cox

October 17, 2016, 11:30:03 pm
Reply #95

Offline Grishnag

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Re: Mafia V - World of Warcraft Legion -
« Reply #95 on: October 17, 2016, 11:30:03 pm »
Damn it i forgot to ask, does the maffia have multiple kill powers or just one?
or are we not allowed to know?
"No matter where you go in life, Keep an eye out for Johnny the tackling Alzheimer patient" - Dr. Perry Cox

October 17, 2016, 11:34:44 pm
Reply #96

Offline Cwave

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Re: Mafia V - World of Warcraft Legion -
« Reply #96 on: October 17, 2016, 11:34:44 pm »
Damn it i forgot to ask, does the maffia have multiple kill powers or just one?
or are we not allowed to know?

The roles described in the semi-setup at the start are the ones this game can use, abilities for those roles are from mafiascum wiki.

October 17, 2016, 11:39:24 pm
Reply #97

Offline Archz

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Re: Mafia V - World of Warcraft Legion -
« Reply #97 on: October 17, 2016, 11:39:24 pm »
Mafia Godfather - "A Godfather is a role that investigates as Innocent (or some other favorable result) to Cops, regardless of their actual alignment."

Mafia Roleblocker - "A Roleblocker chooses one player per Night to block from performing his or her night action"

Mafia Goon- "A Goon is a member of the Mafia with no special abilities"

October 18, 2016, 08:03:19 am
Reply #98

Offline Vorte

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Re: Mafia V - World of Warcraft Legion -
« Reply #98 on: October 18, 2016, 08:03:19 am »
RIP Tyler, we will avenge you and Cwave!(fuck Shimmar)

Thanks for the voting summary, Archz! That's either solid town play, or clever scum play. Since it's you, I am leaning towards the former.

It is quite early morning, but do we want some subtle hinting about what our cop etc found out last night? Or potentially full frontal hinting?
[22:27] <Globox> I cry when I clean my left ear with a q-tip

October 18, 2016, 08:41:19 am
Reply #99

Offline Grilldyret

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Re: Mafia V - World of Warcraft Legion -
« Reply #99 on: October 18, 2016, 08:41:19 am »
Would it be wise for the cop to go full frontal on day 2? We don't have any means of countering the roleblocker (Which is guaranteed to be in the game), so if someone made a believable claim as cop they would effectively be rendered vanilla townies. I would advise the cop to remain silent until he/she has identified some scum and can provide enough information to have made the role useful even though (s)he is roleblocked for the rest of the game.

I guess Tyler was an easy pick for the scum, as he had not drawn enough attention to himself to warrant   doctor protection. That could be useful to know for the coming night, unless someone claims a role that places them high on the mafia hit-list.

Just keep the meta in mind if you are going to claim a role!

October 18, 2016, 08:54:01 am
Reply #100

Offline Grilldyret

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Re: Mafia V - World of Warcraft Legion -
« Reply #100 on: October 18, 2016, 08:54:01 am »
RIP Tyler, we will avenge you and Cwave!(fuck Shimmar)

Thanks for the voting summary, Archz! That's either solid town play, or clever scum play. Since it's you, I am leaning towards the former.

It is quite early morning, but do we want some subtle hinting about what our cop etc found out last night? Or potentially full frontal hinting?

Vorte, do you have any reads on people that are acting mafia-ish? You claim that Inexcitus and Archz are playing as townies, even though they are really just summarizing information and not pointing any fingers. Identifying townies is good and all, but in the end we need to identify the mafia so we can lynch them.

October 18, 2016, 09:01:55 am
Reply #101

Offline Vorte

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Re: Mafia V - World of Warcraft Legion -
« Reply #101 on: October 18, 2016, 09:01:55 am »

Vorte, do you have any reads on people that are acting mafia-ish?

Nothing solid that sticks out making me sure, but i lean towards the more role playing ones; Graxlos, Mouseh, Hugman.

Do you have any good reads, Grill?
[22:27] <Globox> I cry when I clean my left ear with a q-tip

October 18, 2016, 09:24:58 am
Reply #102

Offline Gaeios(Graxlos)

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Re: Mafia V - World of Warcraft Legion -
« Reply #102 on: October 18, 2016, 09:24:58 am »

Vorte, do you have any reads on people that are acting mafia-ish?

Nothing solid that sticks out making me sure, but i lean towards the more role playing ones; Graxlos, Mouseh, Hugman.

Do you have any good reads, Grill?

It's funny I tend to feel the same way. That I get more suspicious of the roleplayers, but Im surprised that you put me in that category.

The only real knowledge left is that tyler was killed by the mafia.

So from that we could wonder if the mafia would have tried to kill him during the day or if they were smart enough to divert away from him during the day, to seem innocent the next day.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2016, 09:26:46 am by Gaeios(Graxlos) »

Bears like alts!

October 18, 2016, 09:26:37 am
Reply #103

Offline Grilldyret

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Re: Mafia V - World of Warcraft Legion -
« Reply #103 on: October 18, 2016, 09:26:37 am »
Purely based on my personal opinion of playstyles, these are my reads from most to least scummy:

1: Hugman
2: Phoenixflame (Reason for #1 and #2 is that I am quite certain one of them is scum, but I don't know which one. So they are both on top of my list atm.
3: Inexcitus
4: Archz (Twice voting for someone believed to be AFK yesterday. Easy, low-risk votes. This may be because he believed it would help to lynch the one that was getting modkilled, but I doubt it)
5: Vorte (Supplying townie reads, which is a safe route)
6: Grishnag (I can't even base this on anything, just a subjective opinion. So don't read too much into it)
7: Rash (Has posted three times in the thread, not saying anything of impact. Could be flying under the radar)
8: Mouseh (No read here)
9: Gaeios (No read here)
10: Yoica (Not afraid to point fingers, cleaned up the "Vote for Shimmar!"-mess)
11: Tyler (RIP)
12: Shimmar (RIP)
13: Grilldyret (Duh)

October 18, 2016, 10:13:49 am
Reply #104

Offline Yoica

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Re: Mafia V - World of Warcraft Legion -
« Reply #104 on: October 18, 2016, 10:13:49 am »
Well at least we have some limited information now.

For the moment I'm going to ignore the people who voted for Shimmar, because those are wasted votes.

The votes for Inexcitus on the other hand are interesting, because everyone was expecting a mod-kill AND a lynching. Therefore we can assume there is at least 1 mafia vote in there. Obviously I'm going to assuming I'm not a mobster so that leaves Phoenix and Grilly.
[joke]Based on the language of their posts Phoenix is clearly the Goon and Grill the Godfather![/joke]

Inexcitus - since there was no clear bandwagoning on another player in an attempt to save him I have currently moved him down on my Suspect Meter
Phoenix - He already was tied for most suspect on my list and considering my new read on Inexcitus he has become my prime suspect
Grilly - I'm not sure about Grilly it can really go both ways. His posts are thought out and seemingly constructive so for the moment he is getting the benefit of the doubt.

For now my vote is on Phoenixflame


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