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 Raider Application - Priest (DPS) - Awnyi

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December 21, 2016, 04:02:04 am
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Raider Application - Priest (DPS) - Awnyi
« on: December 21, 2016, 04:02:04 am »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying for the main raid.

Character: Awnyi
Class/Spec: Priest (DPS)
Member Type: raider

Personal Info:

Hi. My name is Vladimír (not Putin) and I'm 24 years old. I live in the Czech republic and I am a student, currently working on my Ing. title, preparing for my PhD.. My biggest hobbies are bodybuilding (which is kind of my lifestyle), games (which is my passion) and anime (which I fap to...nah jk :D). I want my hobbies to be as much fun as possible. And in order for them to be fun, I need to be good at them. The better I am, the more fun it is.


I started playing Legion a little while ago. I'd say I just about found out what the expansion is all about.

I play shadow and shadow only. I am not willing to heal with any of the 2 other specs.

I can reach 3rd void torrent consistantly w/o the neck or arcane torrent.

Soo....umm....yeah. Just pew pew and faceroll after 2nd void torrent, because I feel like I can't press those buttons any faster lol.

Nah srsly tho...I go keep myself updated all the time. I use, which is by far the best source of information for my fellow priests. I check their guides, forums and their discord all the time. So I'm always up to date ^_^


I have a mage alt (876 iLvl) and I'm gonna lvl up my rogue I guess (which was my main in WoD)


Enchanting and Tailoring. Nothing special. Enchanting to disenchant stuff that I don't need and tailoring is just something you pick with enchanting....I guess. No special recipes, at least not in WoW. I can cook quite well tho IRL :D

Raiding Experience:

Highmaul cleared
BRF cleared
HFC 7/13 I believe

Previous Guilds:

Probably my best raiding experience is from WoD. I raided a while for Order of Sargeras, but yeah, that didn't last long. Had a huge argument with the leader and left the guild (can provide more info if necessary). Then I applied for Doge, which was a top10 server guild raiding only 2x a week back then. We always cleared mythic content prior to next content. But when I found out that HFC is gonna stay for another 8 or so months w/o any changes, I quit the game. Too repetitive, not fun anymore.


I can attend your raid times. I'm trying to find a 2x a week guild with decent progress to have fun with the game, but not spend tons of time on it. I got other stuff to do as well.


I speak 6 languages (English, German, Czech [perfectly], Spanish, Japanese and Korean [On a basic level]). I have a working mic and all that stuff ^_^

Computer / Connection:

I'm playing on a laptop. But a good one, so it's fine (no integrated graphics crap). No fps issues. My internet is stable as well. I don't DC and i got like 50ms constant.


Deadly boss mods - for the deadly boss mods (because they deadly)
Weak auras - for all kind of reasons (especially insanity bar tho)
Omni bar - for pvp
Pawn - mainly to see the upgrades with updated strings
Skada - to see how bad I'm doing :D
Some world quest addons

Other Games:

League of Legends - I was rank 21 Shyvana world in season 6, but got perma banned shortly after :'( Feelsbadman

Dark Souls 3 - I swear I didn't break any keyboards
Pokémon emulations - still best game ever. I give it a perfect rating of 5/7.

Why Iron Edge?

I am looking for a guild that only raids 2x a week but still manages to clear all the content prior to next content. That's my main reason. I'm looking for a longterm place to stay. I'm not interested in guildhopping or anything like that. Tired of that crap. I want to find a place that I can eventually "call home" (however cliché that might sound) and where I can call the players "friends". Yeah...that'd be nice.

What can I offer Iron Edge?


Nah jk :D I believe I can be a good part of your roster. I am used to raiding in a top10 server guild, I know what it's like to keep strving for improveent. I know how to study logs of best pulls, watch some op players of my class and learn from them and generally doing my best to improve raid in raid out.

I am a very friendly person with a fucked up sense of humor. I believe I am mature enough to deal with raid pressure, I can admit my mistakes and quickly learn from them and focus on not repeating them. I am willing to help any1 with anything in case I can. In general, I think I could be a good addition to your team.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?


Last Words?

I like trains

Also the new star wars movie is sick! Def. much better than force awakens. Kylo Ren was a bigger disappointment than me Q_q

And now some serious last words. I realise I don't have any cool and flashy raid experience in Legion. However I have raiding experience in general and I know what it's like to raid on a semi-hardcore level.
At the moment I don't have any solid logs, since I don't have a guild to raid with and pugs are....bad.

When I raided for Doge I had serveral parses at 95+ percentile, even tho my gear wasn't anything special. I was used to taking on as many responsibilities in the raid as possible (because I hate wiping due to others failing, so why not do it myself). I believe I can do the same again in Legion. I just need a good environment for improvement and I'll set sail for fail.

I mean success! Set sail for success!

December 21, 2016, 11:36:09 am
Reply #1

Offline Tutan

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Re: Raider Application - Priest (DPS) - Awnyi
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2016, 11:36:09 am »
Hi Awnyi,

A nicely amusing application. Do you have any current logs for Mooneclipse to look over?  Now, I am one for a good story; what happened at Order of Sergeras? Also, when you were a member of Doge did you join while they were progressing or after all content had been cleared? I'll ask Soffe how your time there was :)


December 21, 2016, 11:52:33 am
Reply #2

Offline Awnyi

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Re: Raider Application - Priest (DPS) - Awnyi
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2016, 11:52:33 am »
Hello :) Thanks for replying to me so fast.

I raided for OoS for a very short time, around a month. I had an extended trial as a disc priest, but at the same time they took another disc priest and had another disc priest as a stable priest for them. So the raids were pretty much fights for PW:S's, which wasn't very beneficial at all for the raid. That's why I figured at that time that I'll play Clarity of Will, which was very inferior in terms of HPS, but it was much much more beneficial to the raid than just standin around like a bimbo. However I got harshly critisized for lower HPS and had a chat with the leader (some greek guy I believe, don't remember the name anymore). Was trying to explain to him why I made the choices I did, but he didn't seem to understand at all. I kept on presenting my arguments in a mature way, but for some reason he got really really pissed off and started to swear extensively and I realised this isn't goin' anywhere and I left before he could kick me :D Not a nice time. I actually had a chat with him later where he apologized, but that's not relevant.

I got accepted to Doge as a "rogue trainee", because they needed a rogue for Blackhand mythic progress. I had very little experience as rogue, but I was willing to learn fast. One guy from Vanguard (again, I don't remember the name anymore) was teaching me the complete basics of how to study logs etc. I believe in 2 weeks after i joined we killed Blackhand. I was responsible for taking bombs in p1, kiting the siege in p2 and taking some debrees in p3. As I mentioned earlier, I like to take on responsibilities.

If you know Soffe, tell her I said hi :) I respected Soffe as a guild and raid leader quite a bit. It was fun times. Be sure to ask her how I did, because I believe my performance in Doge was quite good.

As I mentioned in my applicaiton. I currently don't have any logs on my priest. There are some logs that other people took, while I was around 850ish iLvl, still learning the class. I just recently optimized my gear a bit and learned to reach 3rd void torrent. So I won't make you happy there :/

Getting into pugs as a shadow priest is a pain, I'm glad I managed to get to 880 iLvl w/o a guild. Feel free to ask me for any additional questions ^_^

December 21, 2016, 06:13:02 pm
Reply #3

Offline Awnyi

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Re: Raider Application - Priest (DPS) - Awnyi
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2016, 06:13:02 pm »
I managed to gather some logs today

I got a few words to say to them. Please note that my dmg relies heavily on s2m and in pugs i simply dont know how fast the bosses are going to die. In not a single 1 of these bosses have I achieved 3rd void torrent, because I s2m'd too late.

Once I get into a stable raiding environment that I could get used to, I'd be able to pop out much more damage. Also, I am still quite new to the class and I started analyzing logs just a little while ago. I still have a lot of space to improve and I know where. Basically what I'm saying is, that I'll do much better as time goes ^_^

I am applying for your guild as a player, not so much as a shadow priest. It just so happens that I am playing shadow priest in this expansion and that you are currently looking for one.

Cheeryo ^_-

December 22, 2016, 10:05:48 am
Reply #4

Offline Mooneclipse

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Re: Raider Application - Priest (DPS) - Awnyi
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2016, 10:05:48 am »

I really do appreciate you coming to me in-game in order to discuss parts of your application, and actively going out to gather logs for me to see your performance in a more up to date environment. It does seem like you're doing quite well overall, now I just hope that this can directly translate into how you will be doing in a mythic raiding scenario.

Just so you are aware, we will be doing our last raid tonight before we take a Christmas break, so it will be some time before we can complete your trial.

You are free to poke me or any other officer in-game for an invite!  :)
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