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 Raider Application - Death Knight (DPS) - Matumba

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March 11, 2017, 04:32:28 pm
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Raider Application - Death Knight (DPS) - Matumba
« on: March 11, 2017, 04:32:28 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying for the main raid.

Character: Matumba
Class/Spec: Death Knight (DPS)
Member Type: raider

Personal Info:

I'm Matumba, from Portugal and 23 y/o


Currently I am playing frost since it is the most optimal dps spec for the current tier.
I have also Unholy offspec at 40 artifact traits and blood at 35.

For frost the stats vary quite a bit, main focus is to try and reach the crit and haste caps (25%/20%)
and then after that mastery starts to take lead, hence its always usefull to sim frequently and check if there are new diferences in stat weights.
In terms of rotation, it basically revolves around keeping as much uptime on Breath of Sinddragosa as possible and being able to line it up always with relavant procs/on-use effects/other cds.


Currently the most relevant alts I have atm are my fury warrior (899ilvl) and my Demon Hunter (894 ilvl)


On my main I currently have Enchanting and Jewelcrafting, no special reason.
I also have other proffessions on alts such as alch/herb on my Demon hunter and bs/mining on my warrior.

Raiding Experience:

Previous to WoD I was mostly casually raiding, only finishing raids up to heroic (old normal).
After the launch of WoD I decided to dedicate myself abit more towards raiding: Cleared 7/7 hc 3/7 myth Highmaul, 10/10 hc 1/10 myth BRF, 13/13 myth HFC.
So far in legion I have managed to clear 7/7 myth EN, 2/3 myth ToV and 3/10 myth NH.

Previous Guilds:

From the start of HFC up to the start of EN I was in a guild called Bloodlore where I managed to clear 13/13 myth and 4/7 EN myth. Ended up leaving them november of last year since the raid atmosphere grew unstable ( to my liking atleast) and due to progress being halted for almost 2 months due to members coming and going consistantly, however, I left in good terms.

After that I joined a guild called Dispossessed, where I was able to finish up EN myth and clear up to 3/10 myth NH.
I ended up leaving them about a week ago due to some drama issues going on that made me feel very uncomfortable to raid with them.


I am usually able to be online everyday during the afternoon and up to late at night, If I'm not on my DK then it is likely that I'm on still but on an alt instead. :P

Altho, usually during the summer I tend to go on holidays with family for about a week or two, but when that is the case I am able to give the officers a heads up in advance for when I'm going to be away.


Yes, yes and yes!

Computer / Connection:

I have a fairly decent pc able to run wow at 60 fps during raids (except on botatnist, fuck that cunt and his lag!).
My ms is usually around 30-45, and I do not have any lagg issues, if I happen to get them they are rare. :P


The most relevant addons that I use for raiding are: Weakauras, DBM, Skada, Exrt Tools, Dominos, Quartz, tidy plates.


Other Games:

Sometimes I like to dabble on other blizzard games such as Overwatch and Diablo, but most of my gaming time is spent playing WoW :P

Why Iron Edge?

I am looking for a guild with a serious enough raiding environment, with the goal of finishing the content during its current tier, but also with a nice relaxed and friendly atmosphere, all of which I know Iron Edge possesses since I've have friends who have raided with you in the past and had only positive things to tell of your guild! :)

What can I offer Iron Edge?

I like to consider myself a dedicaded and reliable player, I usually have close to 100% attendance, can adapt fast to most raiding situations and always try to keep myself updated with the classes that I choose play frequently.
If these are all traits that you look foward in a new applicant, then I think I'll make a good fit. :)

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

Wowprogress mostly, but I've also had friends raiding with you guys that always spoke very highly of your guild.

Last Words?

Thanks for taking the time to read my application, and hope to see you guys soon in the near future! :)

March 11, 2017, 06:08:06 pm
Reply #1

Offline Phoenixflame

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Re: Raider Application - Death Knight (DPS) - Matumba
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2017, 06:08:06 pm »
Hey Matumba,

decent app! Your progress seems pretty on par with ours and I can always appreciate somebody rocking a t3 warrior transmog. You mentioned that you have/have had friends in our guild, can you give me some names to work with? Anybody that is still currently with us?

March 11, 2017, 07:50:39 pm
Reply #2

Offline Matumba

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Re: Raider Application - Death Knight (DPS) - Matumba
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2017, 07:50:39 pm »
Hey Phoenixflame!
My friends were Ohgodvanish and Remrs (rogue and a feral druid at the start of EN myth), unfortunatly they arent playing wow anymore :(

March 11, 2017, 09:26:14 pm
Reply #3

Offline Vejeta

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Re: Raider Application - Death Knight (DPS) - Matumba
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2017, 09:26:14 pm »
Hey Phoenixflame!
My friends were Ohgodvanish and Remrs (rogue and a feral druid at the start of EN myth), unfortunatly they arent playing wow anymore :(

The rogue did exactly what his name said it does if i remember rightly, didn't really play alongside Remrs though so cant talk of him.

Can you provide some logs so the officers can make a more informed decision.

Good luck on the apply

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March 11, 2017, 09:40:28 pm
Reply #4

Offline Matumba

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Re: Raider Application - Death Knight (DPS) - Matumba
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2017, 09:40:28 pm »
Hey Vejeta, here are some of my logs:

Unfortunatly I was not able to do very well on trilliax mythic due to our comp at the time being abit too melee heavy and hence causing me to spend most of the encounter stuffing myself with cake rather than being able to be damaging the boss. :(

March 13, 2017, 05:38:45 pm
Reply #5

Offline Phoenixflame

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Re: Raider Application - Death Knight (DPS) - Matumba
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2017, 05:38:45 pm »
Hey Matumba,

Based on what I've seen and read I've decided to offer you a trial. You can poke me or another officer for an invite!


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