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 Boosting - Raids / Mythic + - Guild boosting events

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August 26, 2017, 03:03:08 am
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Offline Rebellos

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Boosting - Raids / Mythic + - Guild boosting events
« on: August 26, 2017, 03:03:08 am »
Hello ! As you may have or not have noticed, I'm a new Elemental Shaman trial. Since I used to play high end in the old times, I had a lot of experience with a ton of things, one of these was boosting too.

After talking with Moon, I got the green light to make a forum and start organizing boost runs for the guild. That means, that Iron Edge will have it's own boosting program as a guild, organized by me. Below I will link some "musts" and information :

1) We will be boosting as guild, which means that main raiders will be the boosters.

2) The content that we will be boosting will be ToS HC - Mythic+

Starting off from ToS HC :

- The boosts shall be done on the day that HC is being cleared, so that no extra time is needed.

- There are 2 ways to boost ToS HC, either PL or ML. We will set two different prices for PL and ML. PL price should be around 700k (300k for 8/9HC and 400k for KJ). ML price should be around 2m gold (that may be a subject of changing, depends on what other guilds do now - 1.2m for 8/9HC and 800K for KJ).

- The most optimal way (in my opinion) for boosting, is to be made on a 20-man group. Bigger groups often are chaos and this is not optimized for a boost run, where you want to have a perfect execution, since that people will be offering their gold and also the guild's prestige shapes on these runs.

- If 30 people or more are available for HC farms , we can make 2 groups.

- People that are going to be boosting, should be coming on their main characters or main alts that are perfectly optimized for quick HC runs. We would want to provide an elite and fast service. That doesn't mean that we won't have fun and that we won't be relaxed, but it also means that we should be serious and provide the buyers with a swift raid.

- Gold will be split equally between participants, if that's fine and agreed with everybody.

- Now, for loot methods for ML : We should be making discounts for different packages, like : not including WF-TF items, not including jewerly.

- Of course, ML boosts should be on the first weekly HC clear. If people are interested on boosting on another day as well, PL boosts can be arranged there, since saves do not matter.

For mythic+

- We shall be boosting people for their weekly +15 cap. The price will be tagged at 200k gold.

- We could boost whatever other key someone would want, adjusting the price, but only if that's fair for us. Boosting higher than +15 is not recommended, since getting on time would be hard or the boostie may be prone to fails.

- There can be made multiple mythic+ boosting groups selling on any time they decide, but this should be done as a scheduled event.

Finally, advertisement, leading and management of the raids can be done my be.

Just keep in mind, boosting is a way to have fun while also doing the weekly HC clear, while even also pumping our personal gold budgets. But we must also be 100% serious and provide buyers with an elite service, as mentioned.

If you are interested or up for this, make sure you leave a comment (also comment for whatever else you may want to ask or say of course).

I hope we get a lot of people interested !

August 26, 2017, 05:32:03 am
Reply #1

Offline Bendie

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Re: Boosting - Raids / Mythic + - Guild boosting events
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2017, 05:32:03 am »
I heard you used to do high mythic+ but it seems that info is nowhere to be found on wowprogress.
Im up for boosting both hc and m+.
This is what iv got to offer
highest achievement iv got so far in m+ is rank 6 shadowpriest in the world in season 1.
just 1 thing i don't do is tanking.
2016-04-22 04:58:08 [Raid] Bendiee: Neclord placed his balls on my shoulders. i dont have anything against black people. but monkeys do spread aids.

August 26, 2017, 05:53:15 am
Reply #2

Offline Matumba

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Re: Boosting - Raids / Mythic + - Guild boosting events
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2017, 05:53:15 am »
Sounds awsome, count me in!

August 26, 2017, 11:02:13 am
Reply #3

Offline Rebellos

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Re: Boosting - Raids / Mythic + - Guild boosting events
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2017, 11:02:13 am »
I heard you used to do high mythic+ but it seems that info is nowhere to be found on wowprogress.
Im up for boosting both hc and m+.
This is what iv got to offer
highest achievement iv got so far in m+ is rank 6 shadowpriest in the world in season 1.
just 1 thing i don't do is tanking.

Was tryharding m+ in 7.1 before they added the ms score stuff, that's why ! If you search my warcraftlogs for 7.1 in mythic+ you can see multiple rank 1s in damage and some in speed !

August 26, 2017, 11:48:31 am
Reply #4

Offline Vejeta

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Re: Boosting - Raids / Mythic + - Guild boosting events
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2017, 11:48:31 am »
Id be interested in this, although id rather it be a 2/3/9 setup means more gold but it'd also depend on time runs are done.
You may have invaded my mind and my body...but there's one thing a Saiyin always keeps...his PRIDE!!!

Former angriest bastard on the internet.
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August 26, 2017, 12:29:26 pm
Reply #5

Offline Tutan

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Re: Boosting - Raids / Mythic + - Guild boosting events
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2017, 12:29:26 pm »
Hi Rebellos,

Our HC clears are done on raid nights before mythic.  We have not been boosting mythic because people want upgrades etc. We also have a few recent rerolls that need gear.

Raider repairs currently stand at 2,000 gold per day with ToT and Porkchoppers having 500g per day.  Repairs are enjoyed every day, not just raid days.  We have been paying for these repairs from Normal mode boosts we used to do on a Wednesday and a slow trickle of BoE's.

I'm all for boosting HC and M+ but if we are boosting on raid nights I have to insist that the proceeds go to the guild bank.  Additional raids and M+ boosting can be for individuals; we have to pay for our repairs and the like somehow. 

Guild bank is sub 5 million at the moment with a new raid and new materials around the corner this will not last long.  Plus, I'm Scottish and like to have a rainy day pot.

Your initiative on boosting is admirable and I hope lots of people will be interested but we currently have systems in place within the guild to balance our expenditure.

Ultimately the decision to boost on raid nights lies with Rash.  The main reason we do not boost HC on raid nights is that wipes cost time and time costs progress; something we are focused on as a 2 day guild.  Before going any further organising boost runs on raid nights you should speak to Rash.



August 26, 2017, 02:05:03 pm
Reply #6

Offline Rebellos

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Re: Boosting - Raids / Mythic + - Guild boosting events
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2017, 02:05:03 pm »

Well mate, it's just a suggestion after speaking with Moon. By the way, in my opinion, providing an elite boosting service means no wipes. The run could be done as 2-3-9 or 2 split groups. I understand the gear upgrades (with titanforged and shit there will always be potential upgrades). If boosting on a raid night is something that some people may not want, boosting can happen on other days of the week as well, as long as it is an official event.

I know this is a 2-day guild which means people have a lot of stuff irl (as I have as well), this is why I didn't mention boosting on another day. Though, if clears happen on raid nights, it means we will not be able to boost ML.

Definitely, I would be up for boosting another day. Keep in mind, boosting DOES NOT mean a long raid, or a raid with wipes. The whole story of providing an elite boosting service relies on fast, smooth and swift clears. In my opinion, guilds stacking 30 man raid with 5-8 boosties which means wipes could happen due to lack of deeps or overcrowded raiding rooms, is amateur and bad. Getting prestige and a name as a guild relies on a great showing.

For example, boosting 1 person in a 2-3-9 group that clears HC in 90-120 minutes without wipes and with swift style, is much more wanted than having 5 boosties in a 25 man group that will take 3 hours due to wipes and some nonsense due to a ton of people.

Keep in mind as well, that when someone is signing up for a boost (we will keep schedules and signs), it means that he will be gathering or keeping a ton of gold to give it to us. This means that if boosting is done on another day, people MUST log.

To sum up, I understand the Guild Bank thing but in any serious boosting service I was a part of, we always split the gold among raiders. If boosting days happen outside raiding days, in my opinion is a no brainer that gold should be split. Though, that's something the guild leaders must think off.

I'm really happy to see such activity on this thread though and people willing to participate, this is great ! Make sure to continue the conversation until we fetch something up !



August 26, 2017, 03:30:42 pm
Reply #7

Offline Xormn

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Re: Boosting - Raids / Mythic + - Guild boosting events
« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2017, 03:30:42 pm »
Just gonna throw this here:

People need to do M+ 10 until the new raid is out, for their 935 item in the chest.

Since 10s are easy, we can make quite a lot of groups for boosting that guild bank.

Got my blood dk, if y'all need help with that (weekends are better for me).
Ba dun tss!

August 26, 2017, 04:29:17 pm
Reply #8

Offline Mooneclipse

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Re: Boosting - Raids / Mythic + - Guild boosting events
« Reply #8 on: August 26, 2017, 04:29:17 pm »
Hiyo Rebellos,

We did indeed speak about your previous experience and willingness to form a boosting group for raids and for mythic+ while in Discord, but I fear I might have come off a little missleading, so allow me to clarify a bit here.

I was under the assumption that the boosts would be performed outside of raiding schedules, which is why I wanted to get a thread going and see exactly how many of our raiders would be interested in just such an event. In the case where we would be creating boosts through Heroic ToS on our raid nights, the revenue gathered would go exclusively towards our guild bank in order to pay for the free guild repairs offered to our raiders, which is managed by Tutan who is our Scottish Jew (AKA Guild Banker). We all know how stingy Scots are with their money.

We do have quite a few of our raiders who actively take part in the Mythic+ scene, so forming a boosting group for this will be something that is quite readily available, as I see certain characters have already expressed interest.

I am sorry for any confusion I caused earlier, as this is something I should have mentioned in the talk we had. I am happy to see people taking part in this discussion and hope this is something that will continue.


"You smell so much nicer when you're awake"

August 26, 2017, 10:31:20 pm
Reply #9

Offline Rebellos

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Re: Boosting - Raids / Mythic + - Guild boosting events
« Reply #9 on: August 26, 2017, 10:31:20 pm »
It's no problem, boosts can still happen in any other day and not raid nights, so that's not an issue. It just needs a stable 2-3-8 group so we can boost one person on a non-raid night !

August 27, 2017, 10:53:48 am
Reply #10

Offline Paul

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Re: Boosting - Raids / Mythic + - Guild boosting events
« Reply #10 on: August 27, 2017, 10:53:48 am »
Just gonna throw this here:

People need to do M+ 10 until the new raid is out, for their 935 item in the chest.

Since 10s are easy, we can make quite a lot of groups for boosting that guild bank.

Got my blood dk, if y'all need help with that (weekends are better for me).

10's are the old 15's, so if you struggled at 15's previously you will struggle at the 10.

The old 15's are meant to feel like a 20!

I am not sure if I will boost anyone in 7.3 I do, do side boost's for 250k gold per a run with some from the guild or from my friend list, not sure I cba doing any raid like stuff outside of our raid days as my time is focus on my own alt/main and my own m+ progression.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2017, 10:55:30 am by Quickzor »


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